Deadly virus. Rest In Peace

Well, everyone in my school knows what's going on. My chemistry teacher, Miss Chai just passed away this morning because of suspected A(H1N1) infection. I would like to send my deepest condolences to her family. She was a great teacher, just that we did not appreciate what she has done. I really am very regret and guilty for what I've done during her lesson. Please forgive me and rest in peace.

Personally, I think the school did not handle this incident properly and good enough. Firstly, there was no need to dismiss the students. Ms Chai did not pass away in the school so there is no need to dismiss every student immediately. Besides that, everyone just panic, wearing mask, and rushing home. There was no need too. It was last week Ms Chai started self-quarentine. Why wear mask after her death was announced? Is the virus in the school when the news was announced? Apparently no.

The fact is Ms Chai did not go school for a whole week and passed away this morning in the hospital. There was absolutely no need to do anything. If we really need to close down schools, we should close down all schools in Malaysia. Moreover, it is just suspected case. People just wear a mask after her death was announced. And I suddenly realise how many people actually brought a mask and did not wear it. The school was in absolute chaos.

Finally, I would like to urge everyone to pray for Miss Chow, our physics teacher, to get well soon. She is currently in ICU. Thank you.

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